

Vision Sermon

To kick off the new year, we look at the mission and vision of The Station Church.


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Is there any more comforting and loved passage of Scripture than the 23rd Psalm? In this message, we will see the incredible ways that God provides for us.

Amidst the trials and tribulations of life, Psalm 46 focuses our attention on our God who is our safe place. No matter what you are going through, remember our God is a mighty fortress, a bulwark never failing. 

Using lessons from the Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 6:11-16, Kevin Blackwell teaches the need for Fathers who know how to flee, how to flee, how to follow, how to fight and how to fasten. 

God built in to the natural rhythms of a family's life how to disciple our children: when you sit down, when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you rise up. Meal Time. Drive Time. Bed Time. Morning Time.

All marriages are meant to point ot the marriage between Christ and His bride, the Church. If we think of our marriages as being designed only for our happiness, marriage "thieves" will come in to rob you of the real purpose of marriage: your holiness.

Genesis 1-3 are foundational to our understanding of how God created men and women and where we must find our identity and purpose.

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed that if there was any other way for people to know God other than through His death on the cross, that God would "let this cup" pass from Him. Nevertheless, Jesus prayed, "Your will, not Mine" and went to Calvary out of His deep love for us.


Catch up on all of the recent sermon series at The Station Church.

Pastor Randy

Hey there! Thank you for stopping by our website. If you are searching for a good church, we know we are the place for you. Feel free to check out the "New Here" page linked below where you can find the answers to all your questions. If you have never been to our church before, come by this Sunday! We would love to get to know you. We want to see lives changed here by the power of Jesus Christ, and we see that happen every week when someone steps through our doors. We look forward to meeting you! God bless.