Persecution drove the first church to their knees in prayer. In this message, learn who they prayed to and what they prayed for.
Vision Sermon
To kick off the new year, we look at the mission and vision of The Station Church.
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Persecution drove the first church to their knees in prayer. In this message, learn who they prayed to and what they prayed for.
Acts 4 records the first case of persecution of the new church and with it, Peter and John stand bold proclaiming that there is no other name but the name of Jesus by which a man can be saved.
Acts 3 tells the story of Peter and John healing a lame beggar by the gate of the temple. Because of this miracle, perhaps upwards of 15,000 people came to know Christ. Clearly, God didn't heal this man just to heal this man. He healed this man to heal the hearts of many.
The first church born on the day of Pentecost was marked by a daily devotion to the mission and the message of Christ. It is the standard that today's church should look at when determining what the church should be and do.
The first church born on the day of Pentecost was marked by a daily devotion to the mission and the message of Christ. It is the standard that today's church should look at when determining what the church should be and do.
On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples and the church was born. In this message, we see how the Holy Spirit empowered Peter to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel Peter preached is still the same Gospel we preach today.
"Apart from me, you can do nothing." Those words from Jesus had to be echoing through the disciple's heads for the 10 days they were waiting for the promised Holy Spirit to be poured out on them. 10 days without Jesus ended with the sound from heaven of a mighty rushing wind. They would never be without His presence again.
Are you a powerboat Christian going wherever you want to go as fast as you can get there or are you a sailboat Christian hoisting your sails to catch the wind of the Holy Spirit going wherever and whenever He leads?
In this opening message of The Great Adventure series, Jesus gives His followers and invitation and a command to be His witnesses. For the Gospel to expand, it would take the power of the Holy Spirit.
Every member of the church is called to be a minister. In this message from Ephesians 4, we are challenged to pray and make our next move in ministry.
The Apostle Paul encourages young Timothy to not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and reminds him to be convinced of the One who called him.
There aren't many more comforting thoughts in God's Word than James 4:8 which tells us, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."
Catch up on all of the recent sermon series at The Station Church.
Pastor Randy
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