From Empty to Full

Sermon Series:

The Great Adventure

A Journey Through the Book of Acts

In The Great Adventure sermon series, we will walk through the book of Acts, showing how God began the movement known as His church. And in the process of seeing how the church was born, how it grew, and how it overcame fierce opposition, we will receive fresh inspiration to join God on his mission today.

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After the martyrdom of James and the arrest of Peter in Acts 12, the believers hit their knees and prayed. God moved and Peter was miraculously released. Jesus taught his disciples much about prayer and the church was putting His teachings into practice. 

As the group of believers in Antioch begins to grow, the Jerusalem church sends Barnabas to investigate. Barnabas, ever the encourager, is glad to see how God is moving and saving the Gentiles. In this message, Pastor Randy gives 5 ways that we can be a godly encourager to others.

The focus in Acts after the conversion of Paul finds the Lord shifting the heart of the church to reach the Gentiles. At the end of Acts 9 and in Acts 10, we see the conversion of a Roman centurion, a Gentile, named Cornelius.

In this missions themed message, we look at God's call to Philip to take the Gospel to an Ethiopian official. This was the beginning of the Good News of Jesus going to the uttermost parts of the earth.

In this missions themed message, we look at God's call to Philip to take the Gospel to an Ethiopian official. This was the beginning of the Good News of Jesus going to the uttermost parts of the earth.

Acts 8:1-25 gives the blueprint of how the good news moved out of Jerusalem and into Samaria. It did not go forth through the apostles, but rather through the regular members of the faith family. 

Stephen was an ordinary man in the early church. He became the first Christian martyr. The stoning of Stephen was a turning point in the trajectory of the church, propelling the believers out of Jerusalem into Samaria, Palestine, and eventually to the furthest reaches of the Roman Empire.

On our annual missions day at The Station, Pastor Randy preaches on Isaiah 6 and God's calling of Isaiah. 

The Jesus Way has always been God's plan. The Jesus Way is the only way to eternal life. Living the Jesus Way is living a life of surrender. Do you choose the Jesus Way?

As we kick off the new year where everyone is thinking of fresh starts and making resolutions, Randy Norris lays out the vision for The Station Church looking at what is The Station's commitment to the community and what are the expectations of those who make up the congregation?

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