The end of Acts 4 shares the generosity of the church through a man named Barnabas while the beginning of Acts 5 shares how greed tried infiltrating the church through Ananias and Saphira.
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The end of Acts 4 shares the generosity of the church through a man named Barnabas while the beginning of Acts 5 shares how greed tried infiltrating the church through Ananias and Saphira.
What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit? When are believers filled with the Spirit? How are believers filled with the Spirit?
Persecution drove the first church to their knees in prayer. In this message, learn who they prayed to and what they prayed for.
Acts 4 records the first case of persecution of the new church and with it, Peter and John stand bold proclaiming that there is no other name but the name of Jesus by which a man can be saved.
Acts 3 tells the story of Peter and John healing a lame beggar by the gate of the temple. Because of this miracle, perhaps upwards of 15,000 people came to know Christ. Clearly, God didn't heal this man just to heal this man. He healed this man to heal the hearts of many.